For the sake of getting the maximum benefit in exercising, you need to pay attention to your nutritional intake. Eating the right foods and drinks can maximize performance when exercising, reduce the risk of muscle disorders, and make the body recover faster after exercising.
To maximize performance when exercising, you need to choose foods that contain carbohydrates, protein and fat, and consume them at the right time, both before and after exercise. Nutritious food acts as a fuel while helping prevent damage to muscles.
The Role of Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats when Exercising
Your body needs different types of nutrients because each nutrient has a different role in helping you exercise. What role do these various nutrients have for the body?Carbohydrate
Carbohydrates contain glucose which is used by muscles as fuel when exercising. In addition, carbohydrates also produce glycogen which can be used as energy reserves. The need for glycogen depends on the type and duration of exercise performed.
Protein is needed by muscles and red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. There are a number of benefits you can get by consuming protein before exercise, including increasing strength and muscle mass, helping with muscle recovery, and helping muscle performance.
Fat is a source of energy for sports with medium intensity to high intensity. A study revealed that people who routinely consume foods that contain 40% fat, have better endurance when running.
Food Inspiration Before Sports
Should I eat before exercise? The answer depends on the type of exercise that will be done. Basically, the foods you need to consume before exercise are foods that are low in fat, low in fiber, contain moderate amounts of protein and carbohydrates, and contain fluids. As a guide, below is an example of a good food menu for you to consume 2-3 hours before exercise:- Brown rice and grilled or steamed vegetables.
- Oatmeal filled with lean meat, and salad.
- Wheat bread and omelette, with avocado spread and a bowl of fruit.
- Whole-wheat cereals and milk.
- Smoothie from protein powder, various berries, milk and bananas.
- A bowl of oatmeal with sliced almonds and bananas.
Guide to Eating After Exercise
Eating carbohydrates and protein after exercise can help speed up muscle recovery, replenish glycogen reserves, and increase muscle protein synthesis. These foods can be a glass of chocolate milk or a serving of boiled eggs. Doctors recommend that carbohydrates and protein be consumed 45 minutes after exercise. Examples of menus that you can try after exercise include:- Cereal and skim milk.
- Potatoes with salmon.
- Crackers and peanut butter.
- Bread, omelette, and avocado.
- Grilled chicken and vegetables.
- Oatmeal, nuts and almonds.
- Whole wheat bread and tuna salad sandwich.
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